Must-Have  Skills for Quality Control Inspector: Duties, Functions, Skillsets

Must-Have  Skills for Quality Control Inspector: Duties, Functions, Skillsets

Have you ever heard of quality control? This job is much needed by companies to ensure that the products produced are of good quality and conform to applicable standards.

Quality control, also known as QC, exists in various manufacturing industries. Food products, gadgets, vehicles, tires, skincare, and electronics must be checked before being marketed.

However, what is Skills for quality Nontrol inspector for the company and who is in charge of reviewing the product? Read this article to the end to know the answer.

Skills for Quality Nontrol Inspector

Quality control is an activity of testing, reviewing, and checking carried out to see and ensure that the quality of the product is in accordance with the standards set by the company.

Literally, quality control is quality control to review the factors related to production activities.

By doing QC, the company tries to provide the best products for customers. You make sure the products you buy are of good quality.

The purpose of implementing quality control is to minimize errors and customer dissatisfaction with the products produced, which may affect the reputation of the business.

Then what is a quality control inspector? They are the people who are responsible for conducting QC in the company. They can come from internal or external sources.

quality control function.

Customer satisfaction is a matter of great concern in almost all businesses. In order to gain customer trust, companies are obliged to create products or services with the best quality and quality.

Companies that consistently make quality products and services will be easily recognized in the community. Because of this, the role of the quality control inspector is needed.

Indeed, quality control inspectors play an important role in the business sector. They are like the police who determine whether the goods are safe or not used by the customer.

Their work includes ensuring products meet a set of standards, inspecting the distribution of stock and raw goods, measuring item specifications, and providing input to companies to improve production quality.

The function of QC in the business is as a supervisor so that every activity and production result meets distribution requirements, such as functioning properly and not being dangerous.

A quality control worker plays a role in increasing customer satisfaction by providing the best product or service.

Skills for Quality Control Inspector

In addition, they are responsible for saving resources as well as increasing company efficiency.

The task of a quality control inspector

Goods produced by the company must go through QC before reaching the hands of customers. A QC inspector has the right to stop production activities if the process or the products are not in accordance with the standards set.

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Jobdesk quality control inspectors themselves vary, depending on where you work. The task of QC in an automotive factory will certainly be different from that in a food company.

However, in general, the task of quality control is

to check that the assembly of a product does not deviate from standards and regulations.

Examine samples for quality, dimensions, and functionality.

We monitor the production process.

test the progress of goods produced.

analyzing records of the use of tools for reference in the field. future

Verifying product quality, whether it is up to standard or not,

documenting inspection results to company management,

providing suggestions to improve production quality, if any.

Reviewing blueprints and comparing them with goods that have been produced,

In compiling QC books,

measuring products,

monitoring the safety of equipment being used.

If any, determine the cause of product defects, if any, and

Supervise rework for maximum production results.

How to implement quality control in factories 

Quality control is a job that helps management or business to improve quality and make production improvements if there are errors.

The implementation of quality control is carried out with several aspects of the approach, namely the

There are soft elements in it, including team motivation, relationships, trust, and integrity.

Competence is related to experience, qualified work qualifications, and expertise.

Work management elements of control, process, record identification, and integrity are among the main elements.

Quality controllers must go through several stages of checking, such as

determining the standards that must be met so that the product can be distributed.

Align the company’s vision and mission with employees so that the implementation of quality standards can be maintained.

Perform repairs on damaged goods and find the cause of the failure.

Types of quality control

Based on the duties and responsibilities assigned, quality control inspectors are divided into 5 jobs. Even though they both conduct reviews, their focus is different. Pay attention to the following explanation.

  1. Quality analyst

A quality analyst is a person who is responsible for analyzing, identifying, and testing components, functionality, failures, and product defects.

The main goal is to ensure that the goods or food produced meet the standards set by the company.

Another task of the quality analyst is

to pay attention to project development.

oversee compliance with the implementation of production standards.

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make test reports for improvement, and

Data collection can help make decisions related to quality improvement.

In some companies, a quality analyst can work closely with the IT team to facilitate quality control using software.

  1. Quality auditor Quality auditor

There is a worker in the QC section who is assigned to oversee the quality of the company’s products and services.

Quality auditors create test metrics, develop quality control flows, conduct audits, and monitor production teams.

For example, the duties of a quality auditor are as follows:

After reviewing the production flow,

By assigning a team to conduct quality audits,

making documentation in the form of notes and suggestions related to improvements,

developing a quality audit plan, and

participating in training employees on the implementation of good quality standards.

  1. Quality coordinator

The task of the quality coordinator is to check raw materials, processing processes, and product results so that they comply with applicable standards and follow QC regulations.

In addition, the quality coordinator is also responsible for implementing quality management measures and is involved in the development of policies related to quality control.

This work includes collecting, organizing, monitoring, and distributing information related to efforts to improve production activities and results.

  1. The quality director

The quality director has the task of making strategic plans and establishing policies and procedures in an effort to improve the quality and quality of production.

  1. Quality control staff

Quality control staff are people who carry out quality control tasks. This job demands accuracy and multitasking.

This is where you must keep a list of the failed products, ensure repairs on the defective product, and make a decision on whether the defective item will be retested or discarded.

Examples of quality control in various industries

As discussed earlier, jobs as QC staff or supervisors exist in various manufacturing industries, from construction to

An example is the QC of an instant noodle factory, who is responsible for overseeing production activities, equipment used, and product results in accordance with company standards.

His job is to ensure that the product meets quality standards until it reaches the customer, thus affecting the company’s reputation.

QC work in construction is almost similar; the task of project quality control is

to understand the projects the company is working on,

study technical standards related to the equipment used,

conduct periodic checks on the tools.

test the standard items used in the project, and

evaluate the feasibility of the work.

It is the same with the QC of the automotive factory, whose job is to ensure that the components and spare parts of the vehicle are functioning and are not in a defective condition.

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Why do companies need quality control?

Quality control is an important job to ensure a company runs and produces quality products.

From what I’ve read, here are some of the reasons why companies need quality control staff:

help companies achieve the desired quality standards.

To minimize losses due to customer dissatisfaction with products made,

Before being sold on the market, check that there are no defective or failed goods.

The company’s reputation in the community is increasing because the company is consistently creating quality products.

monitoring the effective use of resources, and

reducing production costs.

What is the salary of a quality controller?

Quality control is an activity to monitor and ensure the quality of the company’s products has followed the applicable standards and procedures.

Another job that the company also needs is quality assurance. What is QA and how is it different from QC?

Quality assurance is a job that is responsible for ensuring that the products produced are safe and in accordance with applicable standards.

Well, the difference with QC is that QA focuses more on checking when the production activity takes place and is completed. Meanwhile, quality control checks the goods and food before they are marketed.

Because of its crucial function, the salary for quality control in Indonesia is quite high, which is around Rp. 3 million to Rp. 10 million. This depends on your skills and experience.

Also read the article about 10 Types of Warehouse Jobs and Their Duties.

Skills must be mastered by quality control.

Quality control inspectors are people who are responsible for ensuring that the products sold do not conflict with the standards that have been set.

If you are interested in a career as a QC, there are certain skills that must be mastered to support the work, namely the

ability to write and communicate well.

Problem-solving skills and analytical thinking


mastering the basics of computers and mathematics.

able to use measuring equipment.

Understand company standards.

able to work with a team.

mastering the ability to prepare reports.

Keep abreast of the latest information.

Trying to understand the needs of the target market and customers

You have the ability to read blueprints.

So, after knowing what quality control is and its duties, are you still interested in a career in this position?

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